Elite Eye CareLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Elite Eye Care Elite Eye Care has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 174 designs from 44 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by exodus Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 10th #69 Withdrawn New #29 Withdrawn New #28 Withdrawn New #11 Discussion exodus Logo Designer an abstract mark for your consideration. best of luck in your contest! feedback is always welcome!(This comment references Entry #11) 14 years ago eehuisman Client Like the abstract mark a lot, but the text seems too small. We would like the name to be more prominent. Thanks! 14 years ago exodus Logo Designer I've adjusted the layout to bring the name to a position of prominence. I've also given a slight gradient to the colors as an option. Do you have a preference in the style of the logo in terms of being flashy, etc.?(This comment references Entry #28) 14 years ago eehuisman Client I like that better on #28 14 years ago eehuisman Client I'd like see #28 with proper capitalization at the beginning of the words 14 years ago