Also try putting the icon in the wordmark for another design. Use the logo in the wordmark for the "e" in a different design. Both comments referring to #2
#2 - Please try a different color instead of orange (try a more reddish orange or dark yellow). Also, add color to the text, and for the name "solutions", please space out like you did in #35. If you can try to add some depth to it as well, such as spherical globe.
#58 - Like the black background and the white/orange in the wordmark. Please create one with "e" and "solutions" in white, and "Line" orange. Also, please keep logo the same and background the same, but submit a few more with changes in color for wordmark. I like the use of the two colors in the wordmark, and keep accent of colors on e and solutions. Thanks
#58 - Add reflection like was done in #77, but keep exact same colors used in #58. Also, please make the black background be a little crisper/sharper if possible (see #74 and #81 compared to #58 black backgrounds)
#103 - Please make the "e" the same color as the brightest yellow in the logo (make the e shine a little). Also see if you can make the logo a little more smooth. The edges towards the ends look a little pixilated, although that could just be from the site.
Can you also try a different font for the wordmark? I would like to see a font similar to #78.
#112 - Looking fantastic! I am not sure if it is just my screen or the site, but it looks like the black is not as clear as the last one. For example, compare black backgrounds 81 to 91. Both are black but one seems darker and crisper. Can you let me know if you can make the black background clearer and darker? Please let me know either way.
#112 - For wordmark, could you try something that has a color wave in the colors used on the logo. See my upload example emotide_sample.gif. This shows a variation of color that waves through the wordmark.
#115 maybe the influence of the site. I made was the color of the darkest black, because the 4 elements of the basic colors that I have made a 100% of all.
#116 is looking very good. Can you make the reflection on which the logo sits on top of logo less high? I would want the logo a little bit closer to the wordmark just for a look.
I love the colors on the wordmark. Can you give me a couple more with different fonts for comparison using the same colors. The font on there now looks a little too wide and big
Thank you for making the changes I have been requesting.
#176 - Logo on #116 looks brighter than #176. Are the same colors and brightness used? If not, can you make #176 logo same as #116 as far as colors and brightness?
#183 looks great - One last change for comparison, please keep 183 exactly the same as it is, but make the font for SOLUTIONS smaller, but keeping it in capital letters.