Elim A DentLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Elim A Dent

Elim A Dent has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 115 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.


























































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Can you do gradient thorough the whole background?

10 years ago
Hail stones might show up a little better if you add some blue to them. Also might help the 3d depth look if you have some hail trails going in front of the cross hair and some behind.

10 years ago
Very nice. Can you do a separate one with slogan

Beating The Hail Out of Our Competition

Can try putting it in different spots.

Would you mind attempting my variant suggestions about cross hair and scope design shooting the hail stones.
Can you see those post?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll try, it'll take a little while to do the 3d effect, but as soon as I've done it I'll upload it :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#54 has the changes, if theres anything i missed please let me know :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Oops! I'll add the tagline in a little bit, I have to grab something to eat, then I'll see where I can put the tagline :)
10 years ago
Can you move the writing under Elim and over Dent
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure :) here it is, #67
10 years ago
Thanks looking pretty good still interested to see what you can do with the variant.
10 years ago
were you able to work on that variant?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I am working on it, the hailstones are being a problem for me, they dont really look like theyre being shot. I'll work on the hailstones very soon and have something up by tonight.
10 years ago
The A needs to be moved down and the horizontal lines on spike going up into the A from middle need to be inside the crosshair. If you look at the scope pictures I left links to you can see how they are. The outside of main silver crosshair should remain in tact and add those small horizontals coming up. I don't know if you can see the other logos but they got that part looking close.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I have moved the A to the center, while I know thats not exact like the pictures, it does give the logo more balance. I have made it larger than average too, as anyone not familiar with your business who looks at the logo, needs to recognize that it is, indeed, an A. Making it too small, or too different from the rest of the text increases the possibility that new customers may not understand what it says. I'm trying to balance on the fine line between legibility and authenticity :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
and #79 is more accurate, but at the cost of legibility, I think it will be unlikely that most not familiar with your company will recognize the arrow as an A, because it is so much smaller.
10 years ago
78 is getting real close. Can you move the A down so it's the exact height as 79 but dont change it's size. You will most likely have to remove 1 of the horizontal lines to fit that's ok. It's ok to start those lines way low by the rounded part of outside silver crosshair. Can you make those horizontal lines have spike ends like the outside silver cross hair. And then the exploding of the hail stone needs to be worked on, if shooting it the way were looking at the debris should go outward but not towards us. Almost there liking what your doing.
10 years ago
I would try extending the center spike all the way up through those horizontal lines into the middle of the A and make the spiked tip of it that glowing red color like the A. Also on this design all the hail stone trails need to be behind the main silver crosshair logo because the idea is we are looking through a scope and shooting them so wouldn't make since to have In front of us. But please don't change that on original that one needs it for 3d effect.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
like #82 ?
10 years ago
Please see notes in this picutre.


On top of notes in picture please move hail stones back like original just when layering them don't have the trail behind hail stone going in front of the main silver cross hair have it go behind. We need some type of cooler explosion for the hail stone with fragments flying off it with maybe their own trails coming behind them.
10 years ago
Can you add some transparency along with a glow effect on the A. You can also experiment with making the A bigger or stretching the legs out on the A wider or longer just to see what it looks like.

I think we will be able to get the original and this variant to a point where il be happy and purchase.

This is my 1st time with using logo tournament how does it work if i want to expand a 3rd logo off of this variant. For example id like to make it look like a hail storm in the background behind the logo and have inside the logo zoom into a hail stone shooting it and the back ground around the Main logo blurred out.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Ah! thats much easier to understand, thanks! I'll have something up in a bit, the explosion part will be the most time consuming but it'll be done by this evening (its just going to be a little while to draw all of the little irregular shaped bits exploding off the main body of the hailstone), so sorry about my confusion, that helped a lot for me to understand, thanks! I'll get right to work!
10 years ago
Its so hard to describe things in words so i thought that would help. I would try to draw something but im so bad ill mess up a stick figure. I have the vision in my head but getting it onto paper is a whole other problem. LOL. Thanks for your time and effort.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#83 is not finished, I wanted to make sure I got the scope right before tackling the exploding hailstone :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#86 is the latest crosshair version, with the hailstone explosion :)
10 years ago
Notes on this image below


Link to screen shot of changes.


This link below is the type of glow im looking for in the A (Triangle) and only the tip of the spike under the A. I don't want all that red glowing stuff around the reticles like the picture though just the actual red glowing itself.


This below picture has a cool zoom effect i would like to try


10 years ago
Here is a slow motion clay shot might help give some ideas for exploding hail.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I have to take a break to make some dinner, ill be back this evening with the red tips. I personally prefer the Red A and tip as opposed to the semi-transparent ones. It stands out more and can be more easily read.
10 years ago
Yea did you read my last message showing transparent was causing background colors to show through. That looks more like rain i guess stones coming through the side look better but maybe separate them.

I posted this 2 messages up to help .

Notes on this image below


Link to screen shot of changes.


This link below is the type of glow im looking for in the A (Triangle) and only the tip of the spike under the A. I don't want all that red glowing stuff around the reticles like the picture though just the actual red glowing itself.


This below picture has a cool zoom effect i would like to try


And video for explosion help.

Here is a slow motion clay shot might help give some ideas for exploding hail.


Apperciate your time

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#88 has the red tip and the revised A. I saw the video for the clay shooting, but thats extremely hard to translate to a still image, the "burst" graphic is commonly used in explosion images as its a visual way to show that it is, in fact, an explosion. if there were just bits of shapes floating around it could be hard for people to recognize that its an exploded hailstone. With that in mind, I am trying to think of a way to show visually it is an explosion, it just may take some time.
10 years ago
I think im confusing you on that top tip. I dont want any changes to that top tip where you now made it red. Im trying to explain that i want the way that top tip looks all silver and 3d to have the bottom tip look the same way but with a red glow like this link http://img3.redwolfairsoft.com/upload/product/img/LUD-850341002085-4L.jpg

I want the A to have this same red glow as in this link http://img3.redwolfairsoft.com/upload/product/img/LUD-850341002085-4L.jpg

Might need to make the A thinner. Lets try removing the Top horizontal Line and moving the middle one up some. I like the original hail stones that were included in the very 1st logo. I would keep the 3 hail stone design for the crosshair area when i said add more i ment to the outside around the logo sorry i didnt specify. The impact point of explosion should be at the tip of the A as well so if you can imagine a bullet striking something it would hit right at the top Point of the A so explosion should move down into it.

What do you think about one with a zoom effect only inside the crosshair?
10 years ago
maybe make a hole going threw the center of haili stone at the top point of the A and have it cracking out from there with little pieces flying off not to many just a few maybe a couple of them with tracers behind

10 years ago
the center A should have no border around it and glow like this picture
to keep the 3d effect maybe round it?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
the center A will have to be thinned out to achieve that effect, it just doesnt work on thicker shapes. I get what you mean about the hailstone, I have an idea involving that, and should have something up this evening. Also, I think the A/glow effect may work best on a darker patch, i have an idea for that too. I had to step away for a bit to get some perspective, I'm refreshed now and will have it ready by tonight, thanks!
10 years ago
the 3 horizontal lines on the center spike coming up towards A. Can you remove the top biggest one and then move the middle one up almost into its place but a little lower then it is now.
10 years ago
Can you make one with the hail stones and trails coming behind them exactly like number 46 but put the trails layer behind the silver crosshair I dont want them all inside the crosshair just want them layered back so they are behind it not in front of it.

explosion still isnt perfect maybe explosion is wrong for this makes hail stone look big. Could just shoot it and crack apart.

Also on 48 can you try some variants on the stone hitting the A still looks a little cartoonish if we can make it cracking with a couple fragments .
10 years ago
might need to make the A in 92 a little smaller and round the corners on bottom of legs. Is there a way to make the center spike glow without loosing the 3d effect? Maybe try one without the glowing red tip?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I have to go out this morning, but will have the changes up when I get back. should be early afternoon, around 12:30 central :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#93 has the two lines slightly lower, instead of the 3, ive also worked on the explosion a little, making it smaller, while spacing the piece out a little more, making it look a little more random while still making sure people know its an explosion, i eliminated the starburst in favor of a simple dark gradient, and highlighted it a little with a glow.
10 years ago
that looks better but the tip of the A is where the bullet would hit so the middle of the exploding hail stone needs to be centered with the tip of the A. Might need to move the A up slightly and or increase size it might not have to be dead centered but the hail stoned needs to be on the tip of the A. Can you make the red tip under the A the same glowing color as the A. Also i would move the 2 horizontal lines down a hair i want to see a little bit of silver between the top horizontal line and where the red glow starts. Might want to try a variant with the horizontal lines glowing the same Red as A. Its getting close looking good thanks for all the time and effort.
10 years ago
That's good placement for the A and explosion wouldn't mind seeing some different sizing so people still understand its the letter A in our name. Any ideas for this?

The glowing tip looks kinda off like it doesnt blend in what if we make just the very tip glowing and leave the rest silver? Also try no glowing tip variant. The horizontal bars are placed good but the top one needs to be longer than the bottom one. You can try making the bottom one shorter or the top one longer.

Can you see what it will look like if you put a few tracers behind the bigger explosion particles?
10 years ago
Lets try one with just the default silver spike and only the A glowing also. If you have good ideas for a variety of backgrounds feel free to throw some of those up as well.
10 years ago
on number 100 use the regular bottom spike only using that crosshair style for the triangle crosshair.

Can you tighten up the fragments so they are close together keep them all on the left side of A like original but keep this new fragment pieces style.
10 years ago
Is there a bounce effect that can be shown like parts of the fragment bouncing off the opposite direction after impact?

I like the fragments of 100 so dont change it too much maybe one tightening them up then another with bounce effect.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
hi, i just woke up so im going to have a coffee before i get started. I'll have the changes up soon. I'll see what I can do for a bounce effect too :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#101 and #102 have the regular crosshair, and the main body of the exploding hailstone has been tightened up, with a subtle ricochet effect added, just enough to be visibly bouncing, but not too much so that its cartooney :)
10 years ago
Can we try one with the hail stone staying mostly together but cracking and a few pieces falling downward.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
i can do a variant with the hailstone mostly in one piece, but I really dont think pieces falling downward would look right at all. If something hits with enough force to crack or shatter, the pieces that break off wouldnt just fall down, in any scenario i can think of, so it wouldnt look right at all if done that way. If you'd still like to see it I can, but I wanted to let you know first.
10 years ago
Ok I trust your opinion maybe just keep most of the stone Intact with cracking and a few fragments
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#103 has a mostly intact hailstone with cracks running through it, broken at the point of impact, and only a few bits flying off :)
10 years ago
103 MONEY! Can you add slogan in different positin would like to try and integrate bottom spike as the T in The word Out since the T is the perfect center.

Then regular versions with it across and then maybe half circling top half circling bottom.

Can you play with a varity of bsck grounds you think would look good and maybe color schemes nothing drastic just anything you think might look good.

If i choose you for winner can you make one with no background at all and some there are small large and stretched for banners.
10 years ago
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