Really like this one, maybe make a more apart of mountains? I feel like something needs to maybe go under to make a little more symetrical. Have the mountains go down a little?
Hello..Dear elevations Thank you so much for feedback.. I'll improve the designs and if you need other suggestions and change please let me know.. I'll pleasure for that.. Thank you
I like, but I like variations in lettering in 2. Also could maybe make left side of v into smaller mountain? And make some of v or a into a mountain that drops below lettering?
Hello again.. Thank you for your continue feedbacks.. I understand what you about #51? please use individual comment to specific designer. that will be fair for the designer that come first with the concept. if you need others please let me know, I'll pleasure for help.. Happy Holidays..:) Thank you
Hello again.. Thank's a lot fo continue feedback.. it's ok, I'm fine just make sure everithing fair.. because this competitions. I'll improve the design.. your continue feedback will be very helpful to get the logo like you want.. Thank you
Also maybe take away slogan, leave blank or Anything else we could throw below Elevations to balance? Make another letter come down into something else?
A green cross is kinda the symbol for this business. Could you make the t into a green + "cross" I am slightly worried I'm putting too much into what's going on but trying to get ideas.
i like the C and mtns just want to simplify a little, my partners say easier to do on shirts and decals if a little simpler. also maybe make the co flag part a little less bright? so it doesnt take away from word to much
Hi again.. Thank you so much for continue feedback.. Here the update #136 : improved from #116 without cloud and marijuana with darker CO #137 : from #136 with simplify cloud #138 : improved from #123 without cloud and marijuana with darker CO #139 : from #138 with simplify cloud #140 : update from #88 without cloud and marijuana with darker CO #141 :update #88 just try change the CO color.. if you need others please feel free and don't hesitate I'll pleasure for other revisions .. Thank you
Hello again.. It's not mean I not follow your guide, but incoorporate A as mountain was did by other designer so I should respect because this competition.. update #161, #162
Hello again, I understand that you like incoorporate V and A as V connect to A as mountains.. but here I can't use A as mountain..a others also can't use V connect to mountain because I'm first..:) sorry for confusing you..but this competition.. may you can contact again that designer, that designer come in the beginning of your contest..
Hello again.. Thank you so much for continue feedback.. Happy New Year !! here the update witout colorado symbol.. #187, #188, #189, #190 hopeness you like..