DO initially like your first submissions. Could I see Entry # 4 with a little smaller B and in a four color design using warm grey/blue, orange as primary colors and white and possibly silver as secondary. A few color combinations would be nice. Logo designs need a bit more depth. Thanks!
HI, Like #15. Could I see the B just a tad smaller say 5 to 10% and a few more color combinations with the background a grey/blue hue and use of white, orange and silver in the logo. My color inspriarion believe it or not is a pair of Adidas tennis shoes with a warm grey/blue and silver base and orange/white as secondary colors. I know in my original brief I stated black for my website but don't like the look of black and orange together. I'm ging to upload the picture of the shoes to give you and the designers an image with colors to work off, Thanks!
Hey there- # 14 is getting a lot of play from my network. Could you enlarge the font to the same size of #21 and mix in a white background option. Do like the silver verbiage and graded background but just haven't hit the mark yet on color combinations. Maybe silver backbround, navy blue verbiage with light blue or orange B, V and mountains. Trying to see as many color combinations as possible as would like a 4 color logo with a little bit of orange in there as well. I appreciate the revisions.