Hello, Amanterkendali. We are really liking the designs you have submitted thus far. We are wondering about the RGB color value of the color you are using for the background--we would like for it to specifically be: 108 Red, 1 Green, 7 Blue. If that is not what you are currently using, might you be able to resubmit your most recent submission using that specific RGB color value for the background? We very much appreciate your time, effort, and interest in submitting designs for our newsletter logo. Thank you so much.
Hello.. Dear BNI Headquarters CH.. Thank you so much for feedback.. sure no matter about color.. with pleasure I'll fix that..:) Thank you Best Regards Amanterkendali
You're welcome.. and if you have any others change or revisions please let me know.. and don't hesitate for ask me.. I'll pleasure.. Thank you Best Regards Amanterkendali