Hi Artistic, the binary code thing is a creative approach. Still, nobody I asked got the issue.
Anyway - #38 is my favorite design from you up to now. It is a strong picture with a good contrast. Can you please work on the upper bar of the E an the Z so that the cigarette comes out a little bit better?
one more comment to #34,35,36 - the triangle wastes too much space on the website. All teh content will be pushed downwards into the area you only see if you scroll
I just happen to be on the computer designing, and I like your contest so speed has nothing to do with it - willingness is all there is to it! I will upload a very good logo in a few minutes :)
The button is history - the latest e-cigarettes don't have any buttons ;-) sorry.
@ glow: keep the red point like as simple as it was in #39 and I tel you why: This will be the perfect favicon becaus it is so perfectly simple! (for a better understanding have a look at one of my other sites www.bhkw-prinz.de where I took the flame as afavicon)
Did you try to close the "Z" at the bottom?
#47: lack of contrast #45: the reversed colors do look also good!
Oh, sorry, didn't know about the latest additions to the e-cigarettes, sorry.
I see your point very well and I agree with you completly. I am a web designer myself and I know how hard it is to make an readable, remembarable favicon.
I will try to close the letter at the bottom and will try to improve what you currently like.
Since you've been so hard working, I cleaned up a little bit ;-)
#52 is my favorite right now!
@glow: the square look more harmonic than the point (#64) @Z: closing the Z at the bottom helped a lot! @E: difficult...whether the middle bar of the E is better like in #61 than in #62... hard to tell. In #62 the E is easy to recognize, but for whatever reason I like #61 @colors: although I like the green background a lot, the advantag of white letters is that the cigarette itself is white as well. What do you think? @Internet adress: can I have the E an the Z a bit more prominent (e.g. bold and/or black). And I must say I liked the red ".net" since it is not the most common ending in Germany (.de or .com) its is worth to point it out a little bit.
Thanks for your great commitment!! This is going to be a good logo!
Hi, thank you for leaving feedback and for working with me side by side on your logo - this will help me make it the best for your business.
@colors: I did think of the color of the cigarette itself when I designed #58 #59 #57 .
Here is what I did:
Entry #83 - Bold "E" "Z" and "net" on the internet address. Entry #84 - Bold and colored "E" "Z" and "net" Entry #85 - Bold and black "E" and "Z". Entry #86 - I added a smoke from the cigarette glow. Entry #87 - White letters with green background.
I think that this is going to be a great logo! :)
I am looking forward to your next questions and requests!
@ E+Z: they should not be connected at the bottom so that it is easier to read @ .net: this should definetly be in red @ Elektronische-Zigaretten: the prominent E and Z was not my best idea.. But the light grey we use is really a bit to light. completely in bold might be to tough. Can you try an come up with a clear writing? @colors: can I have #60 (still my favorite) with exchanged colors (blue gets green et vice versa)
I am fine withe the logo, but I see room for improvement for the writing of "Elektronische-Zigaretten.net"
Have a look at #92. Can you "copy with pride" the way he solved the problem? ;-) I mean, leave the logo to the left an do the writing on the right side. For this purpose, the logo can be shrinked a little bit. Maybe you find a nice font that fits.
Generally, fonts, general placement of the text and its colors are open to use by every single designer, but I can't copy the exact placement and handling of the text. I will ask the community what can be done. But an exact copy of the text is not an answer to the problem, because this is the unique way the other designer did it and I can't copy it, as I would be violating the ground rules of the community and my personal integrity.
I will try different fonts, different layouts, different colors and everything else :)
I fully understand your concerns but #122 is very close to my expectations. And you didn't really copy. #120 with only one color is also fine except the dominance of the black. A nice grey and maybe a little bit smaller realete to the logo and this would also be an option.
Hi, I didn't copy, I know, I would never do it, I am working within the lines. :) But please, tell me, what else would you like see changed on #122 ? You said that it is close but...?
In #120, #121, #122 and #123 I placed the logo on the left because of a simple logical and scientific matter - our eyes are used to read from left to right, therefor usually the logo is placed on the left rather than the right side of the logo. Marketing is one of my subjects in the university ;)
You don't need to thank me, as I said before, your contest is interesting and it is fun and exciting to work on your logo and... you pay to recieve the best service, so I provide it :)
Logo left. writing to the right is absolutely fine for me!
#122 would I really like is the realtion between logo-size and writing. I am a slightly unsecure with the shades (style, direction) in the writing. I did the "Iphone-test" (readability on a very small screen) and was wondering, wether there is a way to increase the readability (you get it right on the first sight) without ruining everything we already achived. But as I said: "slightly", "wondering", "insecure"... I think, we have found already an extremely good solution!!! What we do right now is "German Engineering" - looking for the last percent ;-)
After the contest has finished, my friends and collegues will have the word. Still - the final decision is my duty!
Hi, thank you for your continued communication with me, it really helps me thorugh the process. I am afraid I will have to make you wait a couple of hours more, since I am not near my personal computer and I can't get my hands on the files of your logo. The changes I will be uploaded in a few hours, since I have to make it home from the town I am currently in. Please excuse me for the delay, and please share any other suggestions and problems that might have occured.