#1 Thanks for your entry. Colors are mild and comfortable, kinda like we want it. I think style should be a bit more scriptive, yet legible if size is reduced. This may be asking for the best of both worlds, and this is the idea. Please take note that "Events" is with an "S", and we look forward to some variations of your work.
#6 I personally like the "Elegant" font better than #1. The letter "G" however is confusingly crashing into the "E" and "N" below and is throwing me off much. I'd love to see the "Elegant" font type used with "Events" and possibly keeping "NY" that same font but in between the 2. In other words Elegant (keep font type) NY (keep font type) Events (use same font as Elegant)
#11 Looks nice. Really liking the direction you're going with this and the next couple logos you've submitted!!!!
#12 Looks sharp, important, yet elegant. Love the variations of both fonts. Doing good :)
#14 Now, this is something that catches my eye!! If we can just try different variations of our slogan...make it flow better...somehow. Curious to know what my partner thinks. He will be posting also.
#16 I love what you did here. This is a great update with letter G :) Can you do two more variations 1) bring events a little lower. It feels like they almost overlapping. 2) move EVENTS past letter G so it will line up under A and make sure it ends whit the heart.
you are doing amazing job :) #19 is awesome!!! If it's all possible to have a few variations of letter E in ELEGANT. Also, I would love to incorporate letter E in a circle, similar to what you did in #21. Please try to make letter E look more like a heart and have 2 solid colors of light green and blue so it can simulate 2 letters E 1 in green and 1 in blue.
I think you misunderstood my last direction. a few variations of letter E in ELEGANT (keep it in script but more elaborate twirl)
Make this as a circle icon: "Please try to make letter E look more like a heart in white and have 2 solid colors of light green and blue on opposite sides of a circle, so it can simulate 2 letters E 1 in green and 1 in blue." This is very important!!!
Now, if you can some how combine #19 logo and #40 icon that would be perfect.
One very important thing I would like to to focus on is letter E. That font is abused a lot and I want it a little more original Script. Also, the E inside the circle make it a shape of a heart but still keep it E.
I did the revisions combining #19 with #40, but this designer logostudio had requested me to withdrew all the entries that had the circle stating it was her/his original idea, so I had to do it :( otherwise I can get suspended from the contest. hope you like the new revision :) and still #1
Thank you so much for many different logos you have created thus far. We are a little overwhelmed with submissions and had to narrow down to what we like. From your selections we liked #77 but hoping you can make the letter E more original. That font is totally abused and we need originality. Don't forget the icon like #66 is a must for a final logo. Please give us a few more options on an original script for E.
Mark - I think Sanjika has this one, for sure. I'd also like to make a quick suggestion.
I think the "NY" should be Superscript as opposed to Subscript. Kinda like what you see with trademarking (e.g. ELEGANTS EVENTS™) except it would by NY.
Also, I'm thinking we should shorten our slogan by two words. Let's simply say "Complete Wedding and Event Planning" ?? What do you think? It would make it less....wordy.
Sanjika, you should be excited. You've been working on this since day 1 and have been persistent. Persistence pays off when done right. But the fat lady hasn't sung yet...so please continue to work hard on our new logo. We hope our new endeavor takes off with the right representation. And that begins with you.
I am very excited!!! I will do my best to give you the logo you will love :) I got the suggestions, in which design you will like me to work on these suggestions? so I can send you the new versions right now?
you want me to still work in design #66 or with the new ones? which I had played with the E and made some changes to the current #66 to make it custom?
#101 is an amazing update. I personally like this the most out of everything you did so far. Thank you for making E more original, we were getting tired of that font. If it's all possible, can you try different shape of icon? we need to think outside the box :) As for the color & text, it's perfect, don't change that.
Thank you again, for all your updates and creative vision....
#123 is the winner in my eyes :) it's perfect!!! I love your dedication and quick updates!!! the last thing I would love for you to focus on is the slogan. It's hard to read it :( We need to stretch it from the beginning of the icon to the end of events. Keep (Your Complete Wedding and) before the G comes down and (Event Planning Network) after. Also, make NY half size and bring it up to make it look like a trade mark.
#128 I Think we nailed it :) Let me confirm with my partners and see if there is any additional instructions to make it better. I personally LOVE IT <3
One of the suggestions is to change "and" to sign "&" and make it more fluent without gaps in the slogan. Also wanted to see if you can round all 4 edges. Possibly use calligraphy to extend G twirl bellow the whole logo. Look at weddingsalon.com logo for an example. Thanks, Mark
#142 is great but for some reason the left side is a little out of balance. Please make the g tail bigger so it will line up with the right side. Thanks for trying with the other option, I don't think it will work for us unless it's spread out through the whole logo and not just right side.
#143 would love to see the twirl coming around from G to go over T in one line and finish it up with a heart on the top center (we LOVE the heart you created in #154, please keep same shape) The icon is perfect!
thanks for the response , I really appreciate it. If you need me to make any adjustment, please do not hesitate in letting me know. I will work on it ASAP. regards,