#5 I like the graphic and font of the "E", and would love to see what more you can do with a double "E". Maybe implementing the "E's" as Hearts.
#4 Double E graphic is too corporate, law office-y... We like a smoother, more elegant, modern, "beautiful" feel as opposed to BOLD and "HERE I AM" if that makes sense.
#5 I love the icon you created. Would like to see if you can center it a little more and take a shape of a hear a little. Also change font of elegant events ny to script or something more smooth.
I think you have a great start with the icon but please use scrip font for Elegant Events NY. Please consider giving us a few options and work on this project. Thanks, Mark
Thank you for the updates... I think I liked the icon from #5 but wanted to see a different script E to look more like a heart. the font in elegant events ny could also use some upgrades. Please make a few other variations, I like your style Thanks, Mark
We liked the updated icon in #59 but looking for more original script on letters. It has to stand out!!! Please give us a few more variations. Thanks, Mark
#107 is taking a nice shape. would love to see if that line out of the icon can have a more interesting finish. Possibly more twirls to make it look like: http://weddingsalon.com/index.php
#132 is a good update but for some reason I'm not feeling the twirl coming out of events. It looks out of the place. Can you extend the twirl from letter T to warp around the logo and end up on the buttom . Look at weddingsalon.com logo for an example. Thanks Mark