Electronic Security Design Group, LLCLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Electronic Security Design Group, LLC Electronic Security Design Group, LLC has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 84 designs from 9 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by dnk Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #68 Withdrawn 5th #78 Withdrawn 6th #80 Withdrawn 9th #83 Withdrawn Prefers others. #84 Withdrawn Prefers others. #79 Withdrawn Prefers others. #77 Withdrawn Prefers others. #61 Withdrawn Prefers others. #37 Withdrawn Prefers others. #36 Withdrawn Prefers others. #23 Withdrawn Prefers others. #16 Withdrawn Prefers others. #7 Withdrawn Prefers others. #6 Withdrawn Prefers others. #5 Withdrawn Prefers others. #4 Discussion rricco Client Something other than a shield maybe? The concept is good 15 years ago rricco Client Lets open up to more colors. The lock would be better suited if I were a locksmith; however, it is good to see that we are trying to gewt the security part displayed. There is a direct competitor that uses a shield. That is why I dont want to use it 15 years ago rricco Client 5 and 4 look nice. Can you change it to something other tha a shield. Alo, I would like to see more col options. Thanks 15 years ago rricco Client Also, on 5 and 4 can you change the shield to appear a a back ground of a AutoCad drawing to help detail the design part of the business 15 years ago rricco Client Can you increase the size on #4. Can you center the text for designgroup, llc 15 years ago rricco Client Can you make the shield in #5 the same colors as the shield in # 23 15 years ago rricco Client Or to make it easier, rearange the text in 23 to appear under the shield 15 years ago rricco Client Can you make the shield in 36 look like the shield in 23 15 years ago