Thank you! I haven't heard back from Logope but maybe the time difference?
Since the contest is finished I'll give you my email
it is
Please email me and we can continue to communicate.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Thank you!
I will,
Unless you need for him to continue making changes you can complete your contest. If there is anything that you need and you see it isn't working for the branding iron I will help you.
Thank you!
I think 70/30 would be very reasonable... he sent me 84 designs and did all the work on the last part, however, I was almost ready to give up the tail and go with you because of your responsiveness, but my team didn't want to let go the tail.
Okay, I appreciate that. That makes sense. Do you feel 50/50 is too much since you know how much each of us put into the work? If too much I don't mind 70/30, it's all a gift of the day : )
I see your comment in my email notice but can't find it in my entries.
I will message him now. if he is still online. I appreciate that.
But i am sure we will work out the %s.
Thank you!
If you look at it the other way around, what I worked with Logope I could have easily worked with you, except the tail, I just did it with him following your suggestion and because of the fact that you couldn't use the tail. So I think he would understand and wouldn't mind sharing a part.
Thank you but did he really use anything of mine that you already didn't supply? Maybe this shouldn't be a split prize? I don't want to take his portion if he did all the work.
Ask him to email you my email address after he contacts you.
Hi Tere, sorry for the late reply, I've been mostly out of the office, but I have been also giving feedback to Logope and we finally have our logo, just wanted to let you know because I'm about to select the winner and I'm happy that you are both sharing the prize.
Hi Tere, Logope replied 10 mins ago saying he is working on it right now, so hopefully he can make the changes soon, I just don't want to close before I can share the final logo with my team.
It's probably 5am where Logope is. If you complete your contest he can upload the files for you to approve when he starts his day. Even though his still needs work and I'll immediately complete the logo for you tonight if it doesn't get too late. I'm here working off and on. Will be watching.
Thank you!
Thank you! If you will complete your contest approve his files when he uploads them to your account he will get your email so we can communicate. I will be able to start on the combining the elements.
If you will 'complete' your contest I will work with you via email and get you the revised files that you like with our combined elements.
Will that be okay with you?
Thank you!
Logope has no problem splitting the prize, we'll do that.
I asked him when he wins to please send you my email. I probably shouldn't post that here...but if we disconnect for some reason I'll contact admin. But I can also get your email from Logope, because he will have it.
I''ll combine the elements on the 2 logos to the one you want and finish it up for you via email.
Thank you once again!
Okay. Please tell me the details so i can relay the message to Logope...or you can send it to him in messages and tell him I am okay with it if they are. I am here.
If this or #570 doesn't work and you need my dots and logope's tail I'll message him to see if they want to split the prize/ These two are different and I followed the line of your original where this one will cover the exact space on your original. If you line them up you will see. there are so many possibilities to rework as needed without copying the concept of logope's But if you need to we can go that way.
I adjusted the dots to cover over your originalso they aren't centered straight up but the 3rd from the right is in the center.
Before you close out the contest I think it will be okay to give you my number in this comment area so we can plan to meet for other work.
I just what you to have the best logo that works for what you need.
Hi Tere, sorry for my late reply, I was mostly disconnected for the weekend. I think is a good idea to split the prize, I'll try to help, just give me 5 mins. and then you can message Logope and see if he is willing to do it.
Curious, did you have somewhere in your brief the tail with this style? There are 3 designers with the same exact tail that were done during the blind phase.
If this helps, if you like something on the other and the dots on mine I don't mind splitting the prize. If you like I can message logope. My concern for you is the size of the dots to be large enough.
Let me know. I'll check back tomorrow.
I understand. I am limited on what can be discussed during the contest. You must make the best decision for what you envision and your needs.
It's okay.
I don't know how either because we are not allowed to discuss connection outside of the contest without violation. The only thing I can do it add the tail you had on your original because it isn't copying another designer's work.
Hi Tere, I did a survey and most people liked better the other logo, they like the head, the way the dots are placed and especially the tail. However, I don't know how, but if you don't win the contest, I'm willing to pay something for your work and I hope we can work together on other projects.
Please make changes if needed. Or if you are happy with one of these I will upload to your account for you to approve and we can finish up on locale since we are neighbors : )
Since they look so near each other to see the difference in the last 3 entries:
#551 is the first to rework I did last night #552 I evened the lines on the C and on the face a hairline thicker so the lines don't fall apart on your iron.
$553 is tthe exact same as #552 but I changed the font and to large caps on E and R.
I am working today and will upload whatever your need.
You can see the difference in the consistency from #551 on the curve of the neck. I also made the lines on the head a hairline thicker so it won't fall apart.
I am online for a while longer and will check back in the morning with you.
To go over what I did on this.
I followed your original power point drawing that yo attached to contest.
I opened up the circles just a hairline more and moved them down towards the neck about a pt.
I was able to keep them centered sraight up and centered over the entire neck and head.
I added about .25 pt thickness to the head to make sure it doesn't fall apart on your iron.
I am going to move the entire center down a hairline.
The vertical center is not set mechanically but visually.
So one more and this will be quick.
Your original has all caps and a large Cap E and R, Do you want this as on your previous version? Or keep this?
It took me a little longer since I was working for accuracy from your original power point attachment.
Let me know what you think. I'll be working for a couple more hours tonight.
Oh! I see the arc need adjustment. I went back also to the narrower oval that you had. I'll upload another.
To help you can 'prefer others' so we only focus on the ones that are near to what you want.
Okay I will work on this and have this for you in about an hour. I will go back to your original. : ) Oh my how exciting! Yes, small world. Another Woodlands/Magnolia CH is from here.
For the original head I'm referring to the logo I provided, the one we currently use (El CastaƱo), I did a survey with friends and family and most people like the logo I have on 2nd. place on the contest, however, I'm happy I'm keeping you on 1st. but I would like to try your design with that head... and yes, you can rotate the ear as needed.
By the way, we are in The Woodlands... such a small world!
Thank you, I think we can do it in English, I was just thinking for future work. In which time zone are you located?
Could you make the following change on this logo?:
- Use our original head.
- Separate the dots just a little bit more between each other (making sure to keep them "orbiting" the circle below).
- Bring the dots down just a little bit closer to the horse.
I speak Italian : )... but I have a dear friend who is a certified ESL teacher and we communicate on a daily basis. If you need to communicate in Spanish I can have her translate for us.
But then there is also Google translate that is great too.
If for phone conversation and email I can ask her to translate if needed and/or Google.
We can make it work.
I will work with you afterwards to make sure it works for all your applications. It is possible that you can make separate adjustments for your printing only and leave the lines this way for the iron.
When you decide on your logo you can complete the contest any time you like.
Maybe a possibility if this isn't what you envision.
If it doesn't matter that the line of circles are centered above the head and can go down the neckk maybe lift them up more and I can add more spacing again.
The circles are adjusting according to the proportion of the head and position
I was trying to have the circles centered above the head as opposed to going down the neck. The position and spacing based on this are less space between the circles because the head angle and top curvature and smaller head size.
I made the circles slightly smaller
The shield longer as on the one you like
I made the head smaller.
And made sure the circles are exact in spacing and depth above the curve of the head.
I am here and will continue with you.
Let me know what you see and I'll continue to make adjustments to perfect it for you.
Can you make a version of this one considering the following?
- 6 dots slightly smaller (making sure that they stay equidistant between them and that they all keep the same distance to the horse).
- Head slightly smaller and forehead more vertical as it shows on#169.
- I also like better the proportion of the shield on #169 (a little taller).
Okay.. I was thinking about the way the forging of the iron its made, I guess the dots will have extensions off the neck.
Will do that for you and upload shortly
The dots shouldn't be touching the horse, we need to separate them. I would also do the shield line a bit wider and the vertical line on the bottom finer.
I opened up the circles on this one and will do it more on the next one I upload. I didn't want to change your design up since it is what you envisioned.
Hi, yes, I'm open to other designs as long as they meet the guidelines. The problem with this logo (#108) is that the braid (dots) is touching the circle and there is also very little space between the dots, I don't think it's going to look well while branding a horse.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Thinking through the forging of the branding iron I made this all in one piece. Although i am trying to add more spaces between the braids/circles so they don't close up. I can add more if you like.
I will add more dimension on the horse outline to make sure the iron lines hold together. Since your name is not part of the branding iron it can easily be a sanserif font as you have and I added here.
Comment Activity
Since the contest is finished I'll give you my email
it is
Please email me and we can continue to communicate.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Unless you need for him to continue making changes you can complete your contest. If there is anything that you need and you see it isn't working for the branding iron I will help you.
Thank you!
Thank you.
I will message him now. if he is still online. I appreciate that.
But i am sure we will work out the %s.
Thank you!
Maybe you could split 70/30 and I can also add a little more if that helps.
Please discuss this with him before I select the winner just to make sure we are all on the same page.
Thank you.
Thank you but did he really use anything of mine that you already didn't supply? Maybe this shouldn't be a split prize? I don't want to take his portion if he did all the work.
Ask him to email you my email address after he contacts you.
Thank you!
I asked Logope if he wants me to email him my portion of the file to combine the two parts. Did you need me to do that?
Hope it is coming together.
It's probably 5am where Logope is. If you complete your contest he can upload the files for you to approve when he starts his day. Even though his still needs work and I'll immediately complete the logo for you tonight if it doesn't get too late. I'm here working off and on. Will be watching.
Thank you!
Will that be okay with you?
Thank you!
Logope has no problem splitting the prize, we'll do that.
I asked him when he wins to please send you my email. I probably shouldn't post that here...but if we disconnect for some reason I'll contact admin. But I can also get your email from Logope, because he will have it.
I''ll combine the elements on the 2 logos to the one you want and finish it up for you via email.
Thank you once again!
I adjusted the dots to cover over your originalso they aren't centered straight up but the 3rd from the right is in the center.
Before you close out the contest I think it will be okay to give you my number in this comment area so we can plan to meet for other work.
I just what you to have the best logo that works for what you need.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Let me know. I'll check back tomorrow.
Hope you have a restful evening
It's okay.
Please make changes if needed. Or if you are happy with one of these I will upload to your account for you to approve and we can finish up on locale since we are neighbors : )
Since they look so near each other to see the difference in the last 3 entries:
#551 is the first to rework I did last night
#552 I evened the lines on the C and on the face a hairline thicker so the lines don't fall apart on your iron.
$553 is tthe exact same as #552 but I changed the font and to large caps on E and R.
I am working today and will upload whatever your need.
Thank you!
Let me know what you need from this one. I'm here for a while but will also check in late tomorrow morning.
Hope you have a restful evening.
Thank you!!
I am online for a while longer and will check back in the morning with you.
To go over what I did on this.
I followed your original power point drawing that yo attached to contest.
I opened up the circles just a hairline more and moved them down towards the neck about a pt.
I was able to keep them centered sraight up and centered over the entire neck and head.
I added about .25 pt thickness to the head to make sure it doesn't fall apart on your iron.
I am going to move the entire center down a hairline.
The vertical center is not set mechanically but visually.
So one more and this will be quick.
Your original has all caps and a large Cap E and R, Do you want this as on your previous version? Or keep this?
It took me a little longer since I was working for accuracy from your original power point attachment.
Let me know what you think. I'll be working for a couple more hours tonight.
Oh! I see the arc need adjustment. I went back also to the narrower oval that you had. I'll upload another.
To help you can 'prefer others' so we only focus on the ones that are near to what you want.
Will be back shortly.
For the original head I'm referring to the logo I provided, the one we currently use (El CastaƱo), I did a survey with friends and family and most people like the logo I have on 2nd. place on the contest, however, I'm happy I'm keeping you on 1st. but I would like to try your design with that head... and yes, you can rotate the ear as needed.
By the way, we are in The Woodlands... such a small world!
Are you referring to this logo for the dots?
And for the original head, are you referring to the one you have in 1st or #237?
I am working this evening and will watch for your comments.
Thank you!
Could you make the following change on this logo?:
- Use our original head.
- Separate the dots just a little bit more between each other (making sure to keep them "orbiting" the circle below).
- Bring the dots down just a little bit closer to the horse.
Thank you.
But then there is also Google translate that is great too.
If for phone conversation and email I can ask her to translate if needed and/or Google.
We can make it work.
When you decide on your logo you can complete the contest any time you like.
Thank you again!
I will try another if I still am not right on for what you envision?
I'll continue as well as after the contest so if there are adjustments needed on the iron.
I am here working and will see our comments.
Thank you!
But the right dot follow the up-turn on the ear.
I will do another with that dot following the line of the neck and drop it down a little bit.
If it doesn't matter that the line of circles are centered above the head and can go down the neckk maybe lift them up more and I can add more spacing again.
I followed your notes.
The circles are adjusting according to the proportion of the head and position
I was trying to have the circles centered above the head as opposed to going down the neck. The position and spacing based on this are less space between the circles because the head angle and top curvature and smaller head size.
I made the circles slightly smaller
The shield longer as on the one you like
I made the head smaller.
And made sure the circles are exact in spacing and depth above the curve of the head.
I am here and will continue with you.
Let me know what you see and I'll continue to make adjustments to perfect it for you.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Can you make a version of this one considering the following?
- 6 dots slightly smaller (making sure that they stay equidistant between them and that they all keep the same distance to the horse).
- Head slightly smaller and forehead more vertical as it shows on#169.
- I also like better the proportion of the shield on #169 (a little taller).
Thanks again.
Thank you!
I will work with you to make sure you and/or your forging company to discuss the perfect thickness needed so you won't have any more redo's.
Let me know anything else you need I will be happy to work with you.
Thank you!
I see this as a recognizable banner a crest. I see the symbolism.
Would you like to see something completely different from what you ordered?
Lines can be made as thick as you need them.
I'm here working and will watch for your comments.
Thank you!
Will do that for you and upload shortly
Thank you for your input,, I appreciate that very much
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Thank you.
Your design instructions are straight forward. I didn't see where you are open to other designs as long as it works on a brand.
I'll check back tomorrow.
Have a restful evening,
Thank you!
Would you tell me how wide the brand will be?
Thank you!
I will add more dimension on the horse outline to make sure the iron lines hold together. Since your name is not part of the branding iron it can easily be a sanserif font as you have and I added here.
Your input is appreciated.
Thank you!