Hi, thanks for your designs; i liked them a lot, I took out some of them so we can work with the best one.
#43: I really liked the logo in general, but think that we can change some things.
Symbol: i really liked it, would like to see some variations for it: maybe show a little bit more of the world and less leaf, also can you put mexico in the map.
Can you make other options for the leafs, a little bit smaller.
For the name: I like the structure of it, maybe use all capital letters and separate the El from FM, I would like to see other fonts and for the slogan, can you center it in the whole logo, or maybe put it to a side.
Another variation could be: put everything in a black background, make everyhting white exept the symbol.
the symbol could be on top like #43 or to the left like #45, that would be the horizontal form of it.
Remember. I´m looking for a very clean, simple, modern, hipster, indie, minimal, bold, high-end expensive design.
hope to see more designs from you