#6 The logo (text) feels a bit to compact, and the sign with the gray gradient feels a bit boring. When you look at the sign, you feel that it supposed to be perhaps a Man, but cannot quite make it out. A bit to boring with just black and white on green background. Overall, feels a bit 2000, and I'm looking for something a bit more fresh - 2010.
#7 same as for #6 but I'm not so fond of the low-contrast sign. Should be more "self-confident". More power to it. I don't mind if more focus is put on programming and system development in the sign/icon.
#13 and #14 - Clearly more "power" in these. #13 with the coloring feels a bit like" power tools". Like #12 better, but would like to see some use of colors in the logo - not just black/white/gray. Also prefer less usage of capital letters - feels more friendly and less agressive to use lower case letters, or a good mix of them.
#17 Much better - but it is a bit masculine, and I think of cars, and tires and stuff when I see it. I do not assosiate it with software development. The softer font in #6 was better for the text logo - something softe, more modern. #16 orange/yellow felt a bit 1980 "computer game-ish". I like the shape of #12 icon/sign, but not the colors or the capital letters.
#21 Well, this is nice, but I think perhaps more contrast and colors are needed. Everything is a bit to green and perhaps colors. It is a bit soft, low contrast - but I like it! Would it be possible to try a font with lower case letters for the big logo text?
#33 The new symbol is nice, but I not to fond of the thin lines in it. Looks a bit sharp, and makes me think about something swirling - not the best assosiation for a mentorship-company. And I think a bit about washing machines. And I would love some more contrast to the symbol - it is a bit to weak, plain in its expression.