I like the symbol in #29 #28 #27. The shadow is just a bit strong.
I like the text font in #24 as it got all the letters in same thichness (no bold "EDU" letters)
and I like when the typing got a bit of contrast to it (like a shadow/outline) like in #24 and #25. In #26 this is to strong.
It is very much the same color scale gray/green/yellow. It would be nice to see how it would look with some other strong color, like if the dot in the symbol where standing out a bit, like using colors like
f354ff, d5ff64, ff5d5c or 6aa3ff (just as an example), but still with the nice gradients and shadings.
Also, I would love to see if you have any other font to use for the logo - with the stron capital letters, it feels powerful, but perhaps a bit to strong - like a Duracell battery. Lower case letters could make it a bit "softer", or perhaps a font with less sharp corners, like the softer one in #24.
But I must say - you are a very skilled professional!