Unfortuntely only the top five designers will be able to submit the revisions. If you can adjust my design to that place, I am happy to send my new design based on your suggested items. Thank you.
We are keeping your design in the finalist. We have changed the tagline to:
Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
Can you add the new tagline?
Any additional font options would be good to explore. IT would be good to look at some different colors in the font as well. We are very intrigued with the "bug" please tell me that did not come from "Clip Art" - thank you... we want to make sure that we don't see the "BUG" somewhere online.
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Unfortuntely only the top five designers will be able to submit the revisions. If you can adjust my design to that place, I am happy to send my new design based on your suggested items. Thank you.
Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
Can you add the new tagline?
Any additional font options would be good to explore. IT would be good to look at some different colors in the font as well. We are very intrigued with the "bug" please tell me that did not come from "Clip Art" - thank you... we want to make sure that we don't see the "BUG" somewhere online.
Thanks for your hard work Nibiru - GREAT JOB!