We like the "bug" element, very interesting, unique (we think - please tell us that is not clip art).
Can you add some color to the font and try some different dividers in between the tagline elements? We kept this one due to the "Be" not being in the tagline. We like the tagline simplified: Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger
These comments are for the three finalist #205, #206, and #209. WE like #209 the most and are going to keep that as a top finalist. We do not like the gradient in the font, however, we are not super excited about the black font either. Maybe try some variations of color in the font. We do like the different treatment of the two individual words. Perhaps create more contrast. You can go lighter on the weight of the font for the word "MEDICS" and try to then lighten up the weight of the font on the word "EDGE" when you do the lighter weigh of MEDICS,
Take the "BE" out of the tagline and leave: Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger perhaps try some different dividers between the words in the tagline.
We are going to keep #209 as a place holder and look for your new variations.
Thank you for the feedback.
I like the new tagline very much. its powerful, memorable and non specific enough to be applied in a wide array of scenarios .
I have made the requested changes and uploaded the concepts to #148#149#150.
I will work on more concepts and upload as soon as possible.
Thanks again and kind regards.
Comment Activity
Thank you
Can you add some color to the font and try some different dividers in between the tagline elements? We kept this one due to the "Be" not being in the tagline. We like the tagline simplified: Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger
What would this look like in verticle format?
Great work Mosby... thank you
Take the "BE" out of the tagline and leave: Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger perhaps try some different dividers between the words in the tagline.
We are going to keep #209 as a place holder and look for your new variations.
GREAT WORK... thank you
Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
Thank you for the feedback.
I like the new tagline very much. its powerful, memorable and non specific enough to be applied in a wide array of scenarios .
I have made the requested changes and uploaded the concepts to #148 #149 #150.
I will work on more concepts and upload as soon as possible.
Thanks again and kind regards.
BE... Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
Younger, Smarter, Faster Stronger
Thoughts on new tag name?