We are intrigued by the "bug" element. Can you explain what it is? We see the person, but is that two hands that the person is coming out of? Can you try some different more soft colors. Perhaps a pastel green and blue. A little softer, more trusting color treatment would be great.
We like the weight of the font, the font weight is the same as the "hands" in the bug (if that is what they are) so the font really works.
We like this the most out of the three finalists selections. This is a great font - excellent weight. We would like to see some more color, perhaps a soft pastel green and blue being incorporated into the logo. WE like the circle "swoosh" that divides "EDGE" from "MEDICS" a lot. We like pipe divider between the tag line words: Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger (VERY GOOD)
How would you display this in VERTICLE format?
We are going to discard the other two versions and put this in the top rankings
You are doing good... we like this logo a LOT... thank you.
I like this a lot... can you add some color to the font to see if we can get it to POP more. AND... there should be a line between FASTER and STRONGER... they are two different things
Comment Activity
i wondering is there's any updates you'd like to see?
We like the weight of the font, the font weight is the same as the "hands" in the bug (if that is what they are) so the font really works.
Great work Gaco, thank you
How would you display this in VERTICLE format?
We are going to discard the other two versions and put this in the top rankings
You are doing good... we like this logo a LOT... thank you.
Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
if there's any updates please let me know.
BE... Younger, Smarter, Faster, Stronger.
Younger, Smarter, Faster Stronger
Thoughts on new tag name?