Thank you for your raking. Do you have any suggestions for me? Any ideas on how to improve this for you? Are the colors OK? I'm here if you have any changes in mind.
Thank you for your submitting. This is company logo. Gender of our customers are 50/50 ratio for female and male so I would like to see logo which feels like neutral and balanced. I'd like to see more clear and intensive green version for logo text. Also I'd like to see more leaves to feel nature. Thank you very much.
Hi, there! (I also answered your PM, but just to make sure, I wrote here as well)
I already posted to versions for your logo, but being new on this site, my entries are checked first by the admin and than posted. Apparently, during the weekend nobody approves entries, so I lost 2 days of your contest. I'm really really upset about that.
So I should also do a vesion of the first entry with thicker font and more leaves.
Hopefully it will show, before the contest is over.