I really like the ribbon look of the circle. Could you maybe shape that to look a little more like an "e"? You might have already been going for that. If so, it's a little hard to tell.
Note to all designers: As you noticed, I've extended the contest by a few days. Just one more day left!! At this point I've narrowed it down to roughly 15 designs. The shortlist you see is my ranking, but there are nearly 20 people that will be making this decision collectively. All of you have been ranked at the top by someone. So, that means that if you're on the shortlist you have a chance to win! At this point I would like to ask something of everyone. Please submit a version of your designs both with the word "church" and without. Please do it in such a way that "church" can be taken out without greatly affecting the design. I will also be making individual comments and requests for each design. There are a few tweaks I would like to see here and there so keep an eye out for those. Also, if you have a great idea pop up don't hesitate to submit those new ones as well. Finally, thank you EVERYONE for your hard work. You are all very talented and creative, and unfortunately, that makes this decision all the harder.