Thanks for your submission. I like the combination of colors, but there's a little too much going on. I'm looking for something a bit more simplified. Also, while I don't mind a cross being incorporated, it's not absolutely necessary. I do like how you used the L for a cross.
Thanks for #10. This is a much cleaner look and a step in the right direction. Because we have such a unique name, i think it's important that people can immediately read it and know that first letter is an "e". Can you substitute that cross/e with a regular font and then place the stylized cross/e above or beside the "ecclesia"? Does that make sense at all? haha
Here is my entry with the requested changes and thank you for your feedback, if you have anymore request just let me know, it will be my pleasure to achieve what your looking for.
ALL DESIGNERS: Thank you all for your work. We have some really great designs here. Most up to this point, however, have submitted modern designs. I would still like to see some older, vintage looking designs (as mentioned in the brief) as well. If anyone would like to give that a shot it would be appreciated. If I wasn't clear enough before, or if you have more questions let me know. legible old English (not too old English haha) or script; vines or something like that coming off the letters. If you give it a shot I'll be able to give some more direction. Thanks again.
Hello, After reading your email, In this attempt I tried to incoporate the church of ancient Athens in the logo while staying in the same style of the font. Is this a right step in the right direction, Thank you for all the feedback and if their is anymore sugestions, let me know :)