In image #188, could you shorten the width of the red bar, so that it is shorter than the grey bars above and below it (and so that there is an equal distance on each side of the notch)?
Thanks for feedback, I made changes in accordance with your direction (#225 and #226). And make little creation #227 and new design concept #228. if there is a need to be modified do not hesitate to tell me.
I moved a few of your designs into the non-interested category because we have ruled them out (althought I did like them). One thing the minority owners have expressed is that they would like to see some designs with a subte golf theme. If you can think of anything, please submit your ideas!
I particularly liked #308 & #309 with the golf ball dimples toward the back side, however I wasn't excited about the abstract elements in the front left of the ball. If you could work a clean, modern, "technology-feel" set of initials into that area, it might be exaclty what we are looking for!
Thanks for feedback, I am really appreciate. #326 #327 and #328 metal wings represent technology and eagle wing. And the wing is a combination of letters E and F reflect your company's initial.
Thank you for listening to my comments and trying to incorporate them into the image. You are certainly on the right path. Perhaps taking the dimples/circle from #308 and making a more prominent E or EM in the whitespace would be best. If you would keep the initial(s) very "techie"/technology style (clean, modern, professional), I would appreciate it.
#342 is more in line with what I had in mind, but the "E" is a little "clunkier" thank I would prefer. Please consider sleak, clean, contemporary styles.
I really liked the golf ball dimples as a minor element. The "E" in #342 is on the right track, but we were looking for something cleaner, more contemporary, along the "technology industry" style.
If you would like to submit any revisions of #343, please let me know and I will rank you #1 so that you can upload them.