Eagle Marketing, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Eagle Marketing, LLC

Eagle Marketing, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 495 designs from 58 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
My concept is to create a subtle eagle from the "e" and the "m".

(This comment references Entry #247)
13 years ago
Thank you for your submissions, however I moved them into the non-interested category because we have ruled them out (althought I did like them and the creative use of the initials). We are looking for a more "technology" style design, so I would encourage you to submit additional designs. One thing the minority owners have expressed is that they would like to see some designs with a subte golf theme. If you can think of anything, please submit your ideas!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback. It's great to know when we need to change direction. Hopefully this is more in line of what your group is looking for. Feel free to request any changes.

Thank you.

(This comment references Entry #268)
13 years ago
I appreciate your understanding with them changing directions. You will see that I ranked the ones that I liked and marked the non-interested ones so that you might get a better sense of direction. At this point, the goal is to convey "techie", while remaining professional/classy, and if there is a way to incorporate a subtle golf element or theme, then that is just icing on the cake!

Thank you for your designs.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the ranking. A few of the issues, I have encountered, was that if I added an element of a human, the golf aspect became maybe a touch too predominate. Another take I played with, is with the ball in motion, but it kept looking like someone was trying to hit the eagle - lol

I'll keep thinking about other ideas.
13 years ago
I appreciate your efforts. We didn't get much golf elements (my fault for adding it too late), so we are leaning toward the ones that have a clean feel, particularly those that have a technology industry style.

The bird element is not critical to the design, as you will see that many of the high ranked designs don't have the bird element, just a nice style to the initials.
12 years ago
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