Eagle Marketing, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Eagle Marketing, LLC

Eagle Marketing, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 495 designs from 58 different designers from around the world.












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Logo Designer
put word E and M like wing also present the Eagle it self

(This comment references Entry #2)
13 years ago
Thank you for your quick submission. I like both of them, but I really like the concept of trying to turn the letters into a wing. However, with the letters being turned on their side/upside down, the "E" & "M" looks more like two "W"s. I wonder if the letter on the left could be rotated 90* counterclockwise and the letter on the right be rotated 180*, or whether that would cause it to loose it's effect?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
so many thanks for your feedback sir, i will fix it :)
13 years ago
Your idea in #3 is much better than my idea! I apprecaite it.
13 years ago
Thank you again for your work.

You don't need to change existing designs, but if you submit future entries, could you add a little color? Please avoid pink, purple, orange, pastel, or any light colors.
13 years ago
Your #3 has remained a top choice of mine since your submission!

Could you resubmit your design with a little color? Ideally, three versions: 1. Red; 2. Blue; 3. Green? In each of these, I would like to see a deep color instead of a light shade.

Separate from the above, could you play around with a different font? I love the initial element, however I am not a big fan of that font in the name.

Thank you again, and I look forward to your revisions!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update for color base on your feedback sir :)

(This comment references Entry #154)
13 years ago
Thank you for your submissions, however I moved some of them into the non-interested category because we have ruled them out (althought I did like them). We are looking for a more "technology" style design (as some of yours well represent), so I would encourage you to submit additional designs. One thing the minority owners have expressed is that they would like to see some designs with a subtle golf theme. If you can think of anything, please submit your ideas!
13 years ago
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