I think I like your previous version better. #29 that is. Don't like the sun rays and the black underneath. Thank you for getting the EWH in there again. Also, one of the things I liked about #29 was the red detail on the front awnings. Thank you for your efforts!!
Very cool, I like this one a lot. I would like to see the black banner in top and the outline in green if possible. Black does look good but greens our color. Otherwise, very nice! Thank you again!
I use popcorn shape as the basic shape of my design, trying to make it unique and easy to remember. Here is my newest update based on your current feedback. Thank you.
Thank you for your feedback. It's late night here in my place. I hope I have opportunity choosen as top five designer so I can develop my current design further. I should take a rest for now. Thank you anyway
Hi Bauhaus, We're liking the vibrant colors here. This actually looks kind of similar to one I made years ago for a sticker on one of our products years ago! Haha We'd like to see another variation of this with "At Historic Salem Willows Park" in the sky somehow and putting "EST. 1897" instead of "SINCE 1897" under the EW HOBBS banner. Thanks for the submission! EWH
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