I like your design style. My client will see it for the first time at 1:30 EST, and I'll get her feedback, but I'm sure I want you in the top 5, so I selected this particular logo as my fav of your work.
client really like 316, but thinking that perhaps its just a little too difficult to read. Any ideas on how to keep the same feel but tone it down just a little?
I would love to work some variations. I´m at work right now, here is 3 pm. When i get home at the end of the night i will design some entries for your client appreciation. I will just ask you when i arrive to put me in 1st so i can be able to submit my designs because "Only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit entries.". I will work my hand draw type and will study also some good fonts with this style #316 but better. Ok?