I really like what you are doing in entry 72 and 73. Can you submit green and red without the tag line "power for the long haul"? Also, you might change your red color to be closer to the orange in the logo at fallbrooktech.com. They are our parent so the closer we can blend ourselves to their coloring the better. In fact, if you want to submit something based on the 72 and 73 that takes into consideration the fallbrooktechnologies logo the better.
here's the update #126 #127 without the tag line #128 change color to orange. #129 in black & white #130 without the perspective of entry #128 hope you like it.. :) thank's for feedback best regard Kuur
I really like all of the options on your last updates. Can I see you apply the orange to your entries 111 and 106 as well? No tag line. I want to see how the 'd' logo looks with these entries. The d logo on 106 is growing on me.