Hello, it is really late for me. I just saw these but I really like your concept a lot. I will get back to you tomorrow when I am not so tired. Great work.
Desainenden, Okay, I am up and running again. As I said I really like your concept. Numbers 55 and 56 are especially good.
Numbers 57 & 58 are also good but they are both a little "too much fun" for what we do.
One idea I would like you to consider on #55. Could you straighten the D? Please keep the camera in the middle of it but make it straight. The colors, the fact that the camera is in the middle of the D are great and it will tell my clients not only know what we do but they will also see that we have a sense of humor.
My concern is that if the D is on an angle -- the way you have it now -- it borders on being too much fun and they may not take us seriously enough.
We may end up going back to what you did originally but I would like to see what it looks like if we can make this one adjustment.
Thank you for making the adjustment I asked for. Now that I have seen it I think the first version is better.
I do have something else I would like you to try if you don't mind. Could you leave the D at the angle you had it before #55 (with the camera still inside) and move the M and the T a little bit to the right so that the D and the M aren't touching?
Again, I don't know if this is going to be any better but if you could I would like to see it.
Thank you for being so prompt. And again, great work. John
One of my other partners finally had the opportunity to look at the entries we had received. She asked if you could on #64 -- which we all like -- if you could make the D smaller. Still at an angle, still separated from the other two letters, just a little bit smaller. Like in #56 -- the size of the D.
Den, Thank you for the revisions and the new designs. Nice work! I am just back from a long meeting in New York City. My brain is fried. Will be in touch tomorrow. Thanks,
Finally, I can spend a little time with you newest concepts. Like the idea -- especially #74. Was wondering if you could use another font for the acronym? It is a little too boxy and the D looks like an O. That is the only suggestion I have. Great work.
john, im sorry i dont see you one of your message yesterday about revises #74 but now im submit the revision that you want im so sorry john and i hope you like it this new revision ,den
Den, no worries. These are great. I especially like #108. I am meeting with my chief partner later today and we will be narrowing the field down to just a few entries and then deciding which one we want to go with. We will be in touch. Thank you for all of your hard (and wonderful) work. John