I like the use of DLF of #16. However it seems a bit busy. Perhaps something a bit different for the use of the DLF at the top would be better. Something clean yet creative. I also think it would look better if the words law firm were spread out along the bottom of Duarte and the side lines were removed. Perhaps if the DLF was a watermark on the back of the logo. I also like #15 how the logo is on the side, if it were a bit more symmetrical, it would be better.
We really like the concept of using "DLF". #45 is really good. Maybe if there were a vertical line between DLF and the rest of the text. I personally love #13 #14 #22 and #45. Maybe if you could show us some alternate versions of the "DLF" logo, I believe that is the direction we are trying to go. Thank you for your submissions.