Thanks for joining us! Great start we really liked #90 as a first attempt but we would like to see a blue/green combo with the arrow in the green. Also a orange/blue and orange/green combos on the #90 design and in all cases make the colors pop like the first and second ranked logos!
Your #67 holds strong promise but it is to male oriented to much like racing. Something different with the arrow and please make the " larger even if the logo is larger like #88. Same color combos as above.This design had several internal votes with the corrections in mind.
If the colors were right on #90 it would have ranked even higher!
Roktiv some more feedback on #90 we would like to see more of the words drive and prices they are hidden a little to much by the arrow and also enlarge the arrow so that down is also fully inside it. Also the .com needs to be a font or so larger it's a main part of who we are and needs to be seen.
We still want to see the other color combos as well...Thanks!! The general concept has the most votes internally with the modifications will go to first ranked!
Thanks for the rework on the logo! The big negative is you lost the 3-D effect of the original #90! We just wanted you to clip off less of the letter "E" in DRIV"E" and "P" in "P"RICE...PLEASE GET THAT BACK!! Also the white line in the tip of the arrow #90 aided in the definition of the down idea (please get that back or use shading with the opposing color. We like the ".COM" being below PRICES s in #90 as well. Adding the opposing color outline like DOWN in #131 and #133 is good.
To give you color direction for Blue and Orange use the colors like #57 or #87 they are right! For Blue and Green #136 or #76 they are right, or you could use the Blue in #100 with the same kind of treatment it has. For Orange and Green #86 has it right. The color change in the arrow of #83 arrow is great!
You have the winning logo with these adjustments I am going to move #133 into first expecting seeing all the above changes, as a temporary reward. You will stay there with the above changes we just need to get all the element correct!! Great design let's bring it home today if possible! I don't want to have to extend the tournament! Looking forward!!! Thanks
Thanks for the refinements and views!! Where is the Blue/Green like #193 with the look and effects like #216 and #217 we need the color combo as well...Excellent work!!