Thanks! Great spin using the shifter! We are not sold on the DOWN font choice could you try a few different choices maybe some more rounded would fit with the round shifter. Also could we see the down arrow heading to the R like reverse or reversing the price....
The following additional color combos we would like to see : Blue Green combos like #46 and #47 and Blue Orange combo like #49 ... thanks!
I forgot to add can you enlarge the words drive and prices just a little. Also either increase the DWN letters or size down the shifter O, leaning towards larger letters...Thanks
Good adjustments getting in the right direction. Ranking will show you are moving up!
We offer these suggestions on the shifter lose the 5th gear this will isolate and make the down arrow more distinctive and easier to see! Using a contrasting color as you did in #100 helps as well and the treatment on the arrow in #101 was good. FIND a way to really make the down arrow stand out!
We would like to see the colors flipped with DOWN being in green and make it pop as you did in both 100 an 101.
Can we see a orange and green combo with the DOWN in the green as well.
Thanks your rework was good we are trying to help direct so it can win!