Great vision! We additionally would like to see the arrow in #55 with less red it could be a darker orange to start then your fade to the tip and maybe a softer transition with the light blue (I hope I am saying this correctly)
We would like to see #55 with a green arrow as well.
On #54 could you try a deeper hue of purple and the arrow working from dark green to a brighter green like #47 and #47's greens.
We are very excited about your vision and will be placing you high in rankings looking forward to the revisions and new colors!! Thank you for your design!
Great job on the redo! Our internal rankings for #56, #57, #59 and #60 is almost a tie so for now we chose #60 for the second ranking. Could we see a brighter blue in the background behind the words like the blue hue on the logo ranked first, it's just a little to dark at the bottom right.
The other 2 suggestions that were given was to see with both upper and lower case letters and with all lover case letters in the words....along that line maybe even a rounder font try on one.
The last which may really pop things is to "turn" the arrow tip so it is pointing down, that would add to the 3-D look and impress the down focus of the site!
One last request just was handed to me could we see #58 with a green arrow? THX
Great job we are very much looking forward to see the above! Thanks for your quick and quality work!
Great job just a little more to first. You got the down arrow right but the tip loses something can you play with is to make it pop more...also on the back inside of the vertical part of the "D arrow" can you phase it from darker to lighter it will add definition.
We like the lower case font as well and would like to see a word play of "drive DOWN" on a version after the above changes.
WE loved the color scheme of #57 and would like to see that in the new design.
Your work is fantastic and you are a nip away from winning....Looking forward!! Thanks for your hard work!
Thanks for the rework but the arrow now looks like a megaphone. We LOVE the D with the down arrow and want to make the rest work!! The words are not flowing correctly yet can you try angling the words each below the next which may make it taller.
Another suggestion is taking the "D with the down arrow" and create the word DOWN and place drive above it and below or something along that line. It's a whole new direction but may be the winner! If you can we would love to see this....I wish I could underline and bold in this......
#154 and #155 Great rework! You are going to have to lose the silver background. The design is good. The intensity and deepness of the colors in #57 is better can you do similar in #154 and #155 please!
Paull Great work on the design! #158 and #159 the corrections we need to see are pretty simple now. The .com in both are to light, need to be slightly larger and closer to PRICES. The other option we would like to see is with the opposing color on the word DOWN vs PRICES. Please just try one!
We also want to see the Blue Green combo like 158 and 159 maybe try the opposing color in that one.
We gave you the first ranking with this in mind...Great job!
Great work as you have shown the entire time. We really like the #206 entry may have some minor tweaks on that after review but might be right first try! We like #203 with the ".com" of #205 that will be killer!
The top 3 are all so good and close it is going to be murder to choose between you 3!
FYI:: I over heard the company President say that we will hold 2 more contests for the designers who finish 2nd and 3rd because all 3 deserve to be winners and those designs would be used in other divisions of our business, it was said they would end the tournaments at the first point possible and secure the designs...So all top 3 will end up winning one of the three!! They like them all that much!!
Best wishes for the final!! Looking forward to the new ones!!