Here is my attempt at a sleek, professional athletic crest for your Academy. I hope you like it! I wish I would've seen your contest sooner, but if you happen to like what you see we can still work on it in Judging Mode if needed. Otherwise, if it looks great, as is, then awesome! :)
I look forward to hearing what you think. Thanks for looking!
Here is one with a little less emphasis on the DREAM, although it is still the focal point (which I think it should be). Let me know if you would like to see other color options. Thanks again!
I have extended the competition and if you would like me to send you an email with the attachment of my brochure send me an email. I think it would give you a better idea of what I'm looking for. I tried uploading it, but it is too big.
Hey Joshua, Here is a new idea: a much more dynamic & eye-catching logo. I wanted to create something that would appeal to both kids and potential sponsors/donors. This was my attempt at conveying dreams, sports and achievements all in one image!
This is still only a 2-color logo, making print & production easy and affordable.