Hey their :) I wanted to try a simple version, with only few colors, plus the outline is perfect for Black and White version!...so you can use it for a lot or versions!
I totally understand, il try another one tonight, see if I can change your mind to mine :) if you have any info, to improved this entry let me know. you got some pretty cool logo's to choose from the tournement :) cheers!
Thanks, I am back in the game :)
Il make the colors more vibrant in my next submission. How about just and EYE in the middle of the cyclone....or keep the dark overloard kitty cyclone!
maybe make stuff flying around him, like cows, dogs, or maybe a flock of birds...or maybe a bird sitting on his head!....stay tuned for next one!..il try to get one to you tonight...het thanks for getting me back in the game! any other info you can include, will be awsome.....see you gave me the notion of a cyclone and look what it got me...a kitty in the cyclone :) cheers
to keep you in the game my tastes have changed a little bit. I'm now very interested in cyclones, the founder of sensory deprivation John C Lilly wrote a book called the center of the cyclone, its basically a metaphor for life. the center is found through meditation, the storm around it is everything else. good luck friend!
just a quick question do you like this type of cat or the other one that is in 7 th place....so use this cat but in background ( similar to 7 th position )...like this contest its fun!
Hello :) I am working on a version a little in the direction of your attachement, that old Russian style colors!...Hopefully I can submit it before tomorrow. if not il find a way to show it to you!...stay tuned!
Oh cool, glad you like it. I will make the changes later today. I can make the cat in more of a space..and not Half in and Half out.....For sure, I would be too psychedelic if I was floating in space..loll....if you have any thoughts, let me know...il re work it and re submit!....How about the font for Spaceman?
I like the colors! use as many colors as you want. and the bowl on the cats head is perfect. could you make it into more of a space setting. and actually float the cat. it looks like it is jumping in the air, not suspended in space. maybe make it a bit psychedelic. keep up the good work!
Hello, I am glad you liked it, I added a little more color in this one ( is that ok, or you wanted to keep it in a one color tone ). I will try another one later tonight!...let me know your thoughts!
very cool design! I love the space cat! please make a version with a round helmet. I want to illustrate that the floatation aspect of the business with a floating cat. float that cat! maybe in space. please also try a version of the cat launching, if possible. fantastic concept! thank you and looking forward to more submissions!
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Il make the colors more vibrant in my next submission. How about just and EYE in the middle of the cyclone....or keep the dark overloard kitty cyclone!
maybe make stuff flying around him, like cows, dogs, or maybe a flock of birds...or maybe a bird sitting on his head!....stay tuned for next one!..il try to get one to you tonight...het thanks for getting me back in the game! any other info you can include, will be awsome.....see you gave me the notion of a cyclone and look what it got me...a kitty in the cyclone :) cheers