I've changed the graphic slightly and made the cross shape perfectly symmetrical. I've also changed the font and left off the tagline. It still retains the soft look but I think it looks more professional. Only your 1st ranked designs can submit new entries at this point, however you can move entries around if you would like to see new ones. Thank you for your interest!
I like the three different colors (gynecology/obstetrics/sexology)
I am not sure I would put the job title...
If so, it would be "Gynécologie & Obstétrique". Please play with different color combinations, but stay in light, pastel, feminine colors.
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Can you propose other colors/police for the name? I don't think I use the job name .
I like the three different colors (gynecology/obstetrics/sexology)
I am not sure I would put the job title...
If so, it would be "Gynécologie & Obstétrique". Please play with different color combinations, but stay in light, pastel, feminine colors.
Do you want your job title in the logo, and if so, do I show it correctly? : )
Thank you for your consideration and any feedback would be great!