I like what you've done. Creating an A with the tooth is a great idea. Can you refine the tooth-A to be more of a standout, less feminine? I am receiving some good feedback on #33, but it is not in winning form yet. I think it does not fit my personality. I'm looking for a stronger logo. I hope this gave you some indications of where to go with the design.
Thank you for the quick response, but I think that your original outline was better. Can you try something without a circle outline? do something with the A and the Name. Maybe incorporate the A into the name? Or add another symbol?
You are very on top of things. I think that the tooth A is not as recognizable in 40 and 41. Can you use the original tooth-A? Can you to something with waves and teeth?
I like the nod to your purple logo in #178. I would switch the colors. There is one like it, but you changed the background and tooth only, not the flag.