Like the concept... it's very similar to what we proposed. We're a fan of #1 a lot more than #2, but, of course, it's nice to see other options too.
#1 Curious if there was another variation with the Detroit Tigers D what it might look like. Do you think it might break the continuity between the pixel-blocks and the font choice?
Both translate well into b&w for letterhead and such.
That's ok. Thanks for ranking and feedback... But sorry, I can not submit the variation tonight (now on in my country at 10.15 pm) I'm still tired from going out... Regard Izmild
#19 is a two button mouse, but it looks like it's a frowning face.
#17 The format of the text should probably be transformed to "DoubleClick", "doubleClick", or "DOUBLECLICK". The current format with "cl" looks like it's the letter "d" and changes the entire meaning. :)
On the fence regarding #20. Maybe we can spread the pixels out randomly in a little bit larger area? It currently looks as if a block of pixels are falling directly into place, when there are pixel gaps to the left and right of that in the D.
Hi, for your request to replace "D" with the Detroit Tiger's D, very sorry I don't think I can do that because of the rules of LT not to use other logo which has been exist to incorporate to mine...Thanks
#282 & #283- nice variations of the emblem... we like those a lot. Can we make the font for the text "DoubleClick Detroit" more interesting? It appears a bit too plain. The fonts within the top 7 are interesting to us if that helps point you in a direction.