...and grayscale version (#61) of initial entry, just to show you how it works,...it can be used for various rinting applications, and is also deliverable! Thanks!
...probably better concept update (#62, #63), with accent yellow chasing balls,...concept would be: "they've caught the balls, and now they're smiling at you!" Any thoughts!? Thanks!
...also, forgot to mention,...if you have word "dogs", as plural, there should be more than one dog in the logo, because there's logical conflict within the logo if you have only one figure (like on my entry #63,...it just isn't right!)
So far #62 would be my personal favorite, because those chasing balls really put the focus on the work you actually do, but in a fun way! Thoughts!? Thanks!
Let me try to help! As I've said, you're using plural (dogs), so it would be a conflict within the logo, if you have less than two dogs beside that text,...having that in mind, maybe some color diversity might be good, specialy since they are different kind of dogs on #73, #74. I usualy prefer monochromatic designs, but in this case it could look really nice, and that second (subtle blue) accent color may add to memorability of the logo!
...and I have one more modification (#85), involving one dog holding rubber bone and fetching ball, and the other, head of the rag doll (kind of fun and memorable Shakespearean moment there). As you can see, now the graphics describes actual work you do, and even without text part (as shown on #86), these characters will remain recognizable and related to your shop! They can even be made into actual toys/mascots, which can be very strong marketing potential!
Regarding colors, rubber bone element utilizes lighter blue fro other dog, and head of the rag doll, lighter color from bigger dog, so there's actualy no introduction of new colors, but playing with tones of existing ones!