Here is the logo I came up with for this awesome event! The pattern of dots is supposed to both represent the masses of people coming together to play each other, as well as the pattern on the ball. The colors and fun fonts were inspired by the famous Dodgeball movie, which at least for me was when my love and awareness of how cool the game is first started.
I made the dots more visible, and I also wanted to show how it would look on black. You can easily drop it onto pretty much any color because of the white borders!
I like the start... I'd like to see more colors involved and maybe something that represents Detroit, whether it be Joe Louis's fist, the Detroit Arch, or even an old english D.
Here is a revised entry, per your requests. I put Joe's fist at the top (breaking through the ball), and I also incorporated a more fitting font for the famous "D". I am going to see if I can throw in another color and really make things pop. More to come!...
I made it a lot more bold and Detroit-fitting with this version. I added some blue, and an icon for an event in Detroit would not be complete without some tough steel as well--it gives it a very Cadillac or Chevy-type feel!
I tried adding the arch as well, but I think it may be getting too busy now... I can't decide for certain, but I think I like the one with blue the best so far.
Here is a flat version of my favorite one, which will be needed if you are looking to silkscreen onto shirts. This way, the gradients won't be an issue for the printer! And then for all 4-color printing (flyers, brochures, signs, etc.) or web-use you can still the original (#9)