Very nice designs. Please try add the diamond from my afilliate website to the center of the circle. This applies to entries 134, 133, 132. Maybe try make the circle show the colour of knowledge, the hand show caring/compassion, and the superior arc can be any compatible colour.
Updated. I changed de hand for show more compassion/caring. About the colors Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness, Purple represents wisdom.
This comments refers to entries #150, #151, #152 and #153.
Entry #154 is another proposal for the hands, showing caring, help, compassion. If yo have any other comment or change about my entries please feel free to tell me. Thanks!
I'm sorry, here's the website: I like Entry #151, maybe try a smaller diamond. We offer 'diamond service' but I would like the diamond to be subtle. I like the idea of the embrace in #154 but just not how it's currently presented, maybe explore that one a little more ... Thanks for the entry, you'll see that you are well ranked at present and in competition for top spot. Good luck.
I'm sorry but unfortunately I can't submit any entry at this point because the contest is in "judging mode" only the first place can submit changes or other proposals. I already made the changes you requested but I can't submit them. Thanks!
Updated. I made the changes for the entry #151, the diamond more subtle. (This comment refers to entry #239)
I submitted 4 entries more that you might like, playing with the same elements and shapes (This comment refers to entry #240, #241, #242, #243). Thanks for ranking me. If you have any change or suggestion for any of my entries free feel to tell me.