DMG Painting, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / DMG Painting, LLC

DMG Painting, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 131 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.






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Logo Designer
Colors can be easily changed. I just chose simplicity because you wanted something to work in 1 color. thanks!
13 years ago
#16/17 Client likes this design more. Likes the M. Try giving the D the same treatment you did in #18 vs putting roller inside D. Then do same treatment with G. Keep the brush at same time. (rev1)
In another version loose the brush and only do the treatment to the G (rev2)
In another version use the (rev2) and put behind entire DMG and paint mark created by a roller and keep rollerin logo to left or right.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback. i have uploaded a few variations. I dont think I can do the paint mark behind the letters because someone else has taken that concept. sorry.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
as i said before, colors can be easily changed...
13 years ago
Totally understand about paint mark behind letters. Thanks for your revisions. I will see what my client thinks about these versions.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I think #69 has the best color combo...
13 years ago
In some previous logos my client wasn't drawn to the gray as much. Probably more the ones that gray was the primary color. I'm hoping to catch up with him sometime today, but worse case will be tomorrow around lunch. Meanwhile, could you provide #69 with black for PAINTING LLC vs. gray. I will run both by him along with your other submissions.
13 years ago
When it comes back to it my client still kind of likes #16 with both the roller and brush in it. We thought we would explore taking one or the other out, but he has drifted back to this design of yours. Any other ideas around this specific design?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I already submitted some designs which took one or the other out. The concept is that each letter represent a different potential element. I just highlighted the roller a bit differently in #91. Not sure what else to do with it if you are not interested in any of the other concepts that I submitted. If you have any other thoughts, let me know.

13 years ago
Yes, you are correct. I thought some revisions for my client to look at would be subtracting an element or two, but once he saw those, he did still like the design that kept each letter with a different element as you mentioned. I was just seeing if there was anything else to present to him is all.
Let's do this. Suggest #16 in two more colors choices. We will have red. Don't use blue, gray or yellow. He hasn't liked those, but any other color could be an option.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I submitted green and orange. From the ranking I couldn't really tell that your client was still even interested in my design. Let me know if you want to see anything else.

13 years ago
You are in the top 5 designers. LT told me to group logos together with the same designer. So all of #1 designer logos my client still likes are grouped. Then designer #2 logos are all grouped, etc.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
if you like the idea of the paint can inside of the D i can tweak this. I dont really like how either version looks right now but i just wanted to get your feedback on the concept.

13 years ago
My client did wind up liking your latest concept and last submissions in orange/black, so definitely worth working on this one only now. Definitely liked orange/black combo too. His preference was #103 out of the 3. I think I like the little deeper orange in #104, so apply that to #103. Any other tweaks you would like to do to this design now to get it into final submissions, have at it :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Adjusted the paint bucket in #115. In #116, I was able to get an element in every letter. thanks!
13 years ago
#116 is my client's favorite of your designs. I do have a concern that on small applications, such as business cards, it may be hard to see the paint can outline. You may need to heavy the outline up a little.
Let's also scoot the LLC to the right a little bit so it isn't touching the roller.
I'm wondering if the paint brush in the G will be big enough to see on a business card, but you don't have a lot of room to work with there, so up to you what you think.

Once you refine #116 with those comments, my client would also like to see what color combo you would come up with if the DMG was in red instead of black. Then pick a second color instead of orange to go with the red.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I am actually away from my computer till tomorrow so I won't be able to make the changes before the contest closes. if your client is truly interested in this design, the #1 ranked designer can submit variations during judging mode.
13 years ago
ok. I will handle over the next couple days by rotating the top 3 designers in/out of the #1 spot. About what time tomorrow (+time zone you are in) so i stagger designers appropriately and don't put you in #1 position when you won't be by computer.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
The best time for me is 11am-4pm EST. Thanks.
13 years ago
Sorry, just saw this. Just moved you into #1 position. See comments on 12/21. Thanks.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I made the changes and submitted 3 different options. let me know if you want to see anything else.

13 years ago
my client wound up liking #127 and it's currently in #3 position. I just ranked everything again.
I....personally like the orange/black :) But not my logo :) Doing my best to guide him without deciding for him.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I personally think the best combo is dark gray letters with blue or red paint but you said your client didnt like gray. Colors can easily be changed, though. I hope I have a chance to win! thanks!
13 years ago
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