One thing that I always recommend to realtors is to stand back from the screen from a distance and see how different choices look from a distance. Bold, clear designs will catch the eye from the road and from a further distance. I think the bold circle with the lamp is clear and tells a story from a distance. I feel that the rocking chair that I did is nice up close but tougher from a distance. Also smaller thinner design elements are tricky for embroidering on shirts, hats etc. I think the concept of a welcoming light creates an emotion for your clients as well and that is a huge part of a branding strategy. You could build entire branding campaigns around the lamp/light concept.
Can you use different color font for Dixie Hayman maybe a dark blue, just wanted to see if a different font color would look nice? I think I like the light being up higher and clear so it shows up nice on Yard Signs. Thanks, Dixie
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I chose a few ideas that I feel speak to the southern front porch.
Please let me know if I can help further.
#29 | #30 | #31
- Paul Tilly
Liquid Planet Design