DIVURGENTLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / DIVURGENT

DIVURGENT has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 209 designs from 44 different designers from around the world.


















Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Any feedback is welcome

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Very Plain. Also if you look at our website, we accent the V kinda funky. Can you add motion to help make this pop when we brand this. Thank you for your submission
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback here is a different concept.


(This comment references Entry #2)
14 years ago
I like this a lot and would not change much - currently my #1
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I appreciate that you like the design. I separated the element from the name, just to see what you think

14 years ago
OZ - Here are some thoughts from my marketing team. I just cut and paste the comments so please do not think they are against you.
FYI - this is the number 1 still but can you please think about the below.
In branding, you always want to try and maintain overall brand consistency across all of your corporate branding. This logo carries over three things from your existing identity:
• Font
• Text treatment of the “v”.
• Color scheme
If you begin to deviate too much from your corporate identity (as some of the options below do), then it becomes difficult to identify the offering as part of the DIVURGENT family. Plus, as you add other logos over time, you could end up with a real diverse mix of brands if you are not careful and ultimately end up diluting your overall brand.
I would suggest that you request a few variations of the above logo before settling on a final design. If the contest does not allow you to do that, let me know and I can have an artist remock it for you for very little. I think it’s worth the time and effort.
• Change the color used to be DIVURGENT red. In this example it is not as vibrant as the color used in your corporate logo. I would make this change no matter what.
• Change the “v” to be the DIVURGENT red so that it stands out a bit and ties in more clearly with your existing branding. Keep the rest of the word “Activate” in black.
• Try replacing the circle in the current design, with the circular graphic used in the corporate DIVURGENT logo. Have it appear in the same location (mid-graphic vs. the beginning like in the corporate logo), but see how that design element carries over. It might be too much, but I think it would be interesting to see.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Concept of entry #2 was developed using same font styling as your current logo. I kept the concept of the circular aspect of the main logo element but tried to incorporate a clock feel to tie in the uniqueness of the scheduling software thus making he V less styled at the bottom to have it more centered with in the circle element using the legs of the V to make the hours and seconds hands.

Entry #81 using red from main divurgent logo.
Entry #82 removed circle element.
Entry #83 added circular graphic from main logo.

Any additional feedback or thoughts are always appreciated.

14 years ago
Can you create a new logo with subscript powered by DIVURGENT.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
added tag line powered by divurgent

(This comment references Entry #204)
14 years ago
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