Hello! welcome. :) I do like your design...different...my first glance at it...I saw two snakes a green and a yellow coming up...lol...instead of two people. ;) Is there a way to modify the people so they don't look like snake mouths at the top?? lol. ;0 Maybe I'm just crazy...other than that...Could you change the yellow person on the left to BLUE..and the person in the middle to Yellow? :) It would go along more with the person being connected with their spirit in the middle....and maybe create a yellow glow eminating from the person within to without or something along those lines? ;) Even making the yellow guy in the middle...more whitish yellow...to almost have a shimmering quality as spirit and energy connect? Over all like it very much #47...Not as keen on the door idea...as I was initially. :) But a nice design..adn Ilike the door opening IN. ;) Like you have it. Also...how would these look in Black and White? :) THanks so much!