So he is free to use and develope the magnify glass on the finalist and selection phase of this contest. Then other designer can't claim to protect that idea.
Like I said before...Sorry I can't add the magnify glass because other designer already made it from Blind phase of this contest. That designer will probably protect his concept of magnify glass. Thanks for understanding...
Like I said before...Sorry I can't add the magnify glass because other designer already made it from Blind phase of this contest. That designer will probably protect his concept of magnify glass. Thanks for understanding...
Please see #326#327#328 for horizontal version and the logo in black background.
Can you make this icon a magnifying glass to the left? I like this font and the colors. I would like to see it in black and white to make sure it still pops. I would also like to see the horizontal option so you have some flexibility in usage.
Please see #295 . Sorry I can't add the magnify glass because other designer already made it from Blind phase of this contest. That designer will probably protect his concept of magnify glass. Thanks for understanding...
Please see #296. Sorry I can't add the magnify glass because other designer already made it from Blind phase of this contest. That designer will probably protect his concept of magnify glass. Thanks for understanding...
I would like to see additional modern, sans-serif fonts. Please remove the tag line from the bottom and can you make the circle a magnify glass.
Please bold the Diversity. Also Can you place different shades of dots on the side to show versatility or represent people of different shades of color
I like the cleanness of the words but I need to see them from a distance even if the image is small. So first thing is our colors are FFC000, Black and White. Next thing is we are a Diversity (focusing on women and people of color) search firm (Executive Staff Agency)
Brand personality:
Hunter, tenacity, inclusive, energetic, and courageous
1. Instead of the triangle can this be a circle with DTS in the middle?
2. Another one can I have the slogan as the circle but a decent size to read it clearly with an outter line and inner line and the hands/arms in the middle
Comment Activity
FYI, Ebonk made the magnify glass from Blind phase :
So he is free to use and develope the magnify glass on the finalist and selection phase of this contest. Then other designer can't claim to protect that idea.
Like I said before...Sorry I can't add the magnify glass because other designer already made it from Blind phase of this contest. That designer will probably protect his concept of magnify glass. Thanks for understanding...
Like I said before...Sorry I can't add the magnify glass because other designer already made it from Blind phase of this contest. That designer will probably protect his concept of magnify glass. Thanks for understanding...
Please see #326 #327 #328 for horizontal version and the logo in black background.
Please bold the Diversity. Also Can you place different shades of dots on the side to show versatility or represent people of different shades of color
Also please remove the creepy alien hands in the middle
Hunter, tenacity, inclusive, energetic, and courageous
Brand personality:
Hunter, tenacity, inclusive, energetic, and courageous
2. Another one can I have the slogan as the circle but a decent size to read it clearly with an outter line and inner line and the hands/arms in the middle