I made a comment earlier.... So disregard if you received it. I would like less caricature, also more focus on the nails and only visibility from neck to waste. Thanks
I forgot to request more softness to the name, more glamour... my idea is to attract all ages of children, but not a sweat shop but boutique nails and hair.
Also Im not sure if you saw the picture I uploaded however I was also thinking og a skeleton or outlined of just one side with the hand coming to life and the name of the company across the chest and the silhouette of the body in the back ground if that makes any sense.
I know you mentioned just having a neck to waist image, but you also mentioned in your comment to me that hair would be involved as well. This layout shows more hair, plus if I may say so myself, she has the cutest little Diva smile, so confident!
I like the girl however, the salon is children specific but not children only... I work at a dance studio that's holds 700 students ages 3-teens. My business is across the street from said dance studio. My idea is to offer services to children also but not loose my adult clientale existing as well as any new adults. So the cartoon is not enviting to both age groups and nails is my specialality.
#3 and 4 are nice but I don't care for pink and if there is some idea different that what I thought and what the other designer came up with would be nice... im open to idea's but i do need it to represent nails in the logo and I dont need the catch phrase.