DistributeYourProductLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / DistributeYourProduct DistributeYourProduct has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 83 designs from 10 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by MightyBeaver Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 3rd #62 Withdrawn New #24 Withdrawn New #22 Withdrawn New #60 Withdrawn New #26 Withdrawn New #20 Withdrawn New #19 Withdrawn New #23 Withdrawn New #25 Withdrawn New #21 Withdrawn Prefers others. #14 Withdrawn Prefers others. #13 Withdrawn Prefers others. #12 Discussion MightyBeaver Logo Designer Hello,Here is my simple concept: hand holding product (your product) with arrows distributing it all over the world.I hope You like it. Feedback will be great.Cheers,Kamil.(This comment references Entry #12) 14 years ago Yurple Client Hi thank you very much for your designs! great original concept! Entry #13 is great but actually does not say out company name and since this is a brand new company it has to be visual.Entry #12 is really great with the company name and a great conceptI like entry #14 the best! Really great! Could you please make the hand/product/arrows clearer? Maybe the hand in red or bolder or something?If you could develop this concept that it is clear without reading the explanation then it could be a winner!great work thank you very much! 14 years ago MightyBeaver Logo Designer Hi, Thanks for feedback.I will fix concept with Your guidelines a.s.a.p. ;)Kamil 14 years ago MightyBeaver Logo Designer I've fixed arrows and hand, also add few color variations.(This comment references Entry #19) 14 years ago Yurple Client I love entry #26 ! great definition!Thank you for all the colour variations! 14 years ago MightyBeaver Logo Designer Thank You, if You have any other suggestions or guides, just let me know.Kamil. 14 years ago MightyBeaver Logo Designer Fixed hand, font and added simplified continents on globe.(This comment references Entry #60) 14 years ago Yurple Client #60 is excellent.im waiting back for feedback from the client. He will give the final say on this project and will pick the winning design.I personally love the concept once u know what it is and #60 it is very clear!Thank you for all your hard work.I will be hosting more logo competitions soon and I love to work with you in the future 14 years ago