I like where this is headed, the shop is a simple and clean design. I'm concerned about the vertical space this logo would require. Is there any way to bring the image back over to the left of the words? Perhaps by converting the shop image into a stylized line drawing instead of an actual representation it would be able to be small enough to get back over there.
A couple of other things --- it needs the tagline "by the Editors of Dispensary Insider". If there is any way to give the word Business additional prominence, that would be fantastic. This publication is about the Dispensary Business, not about the marijuana drug, and we want that clearly communicated.
Hi Yojimbo --- sorry for the misunderstanding, we don't want the words "Business more prominent" as part of the logo. Within the logo, we want the word "Business" to be more obvious, more evident, more prominent.
sorry about that, actually that was my fault and that was silly mistake, btw Is the word "by the Editors of Dispensary Insider" is part of logo or not? thank you.