Entries #1 and #2: These are missing taglines. "Business News" is not a tagline, it's part of the name of the publication. Neither entry has an image that makes you visually understand this is about a retail store (brick and mortar store) or that is about a medical marijuana store. We prefer images that are more representational and obvious. Thank you.
Entry #3 - much nicer. We'd prefer to see something that gave equal weight to marijuana in the image (vs just the medical image) because that will help our customers identify what this is about. We also don't quite understand what the "talk bubble" look of the square behind it is all about.
To reiterate - we like where #3 is headed. The solution may be as simple as making the cadeceus smaller, turning the speech bubble box into a little shop by adding a roof and taking away the pointer at the bottom and adding a marijuana leaf somewhere.
Also - please change the tagline to "by the Editors of Dispensary Insider".
This shop has too much detail on it -- it can be a stylized shop (line drawing) instead of an actual representation. I **really** like that the word Business is so much more prominent in this design. Concerned about the veritcal space this logo would take up, however. Perhaps by simplifying the shop design, the logo could come back to the left of the words??? Also, it needs the tagline: by the Editors of Dispensary Insider
#13 -- try this please with the window + door clear (as if they are glass with the logos painted on it), the door closed. Take of "for Medical Marijuana Retailers" and add "by the Editors of Dispensary Insider". THanks