On entry #117 I was wondering if you could move the house shape up to the top of the box and put DiSipio in the box slightly larger than it is and Building Group under the box similar to your other entries.
Can you match the font that you used in entry #115 in entry #186 but without the bold D & S? Maybe try a different color scheme, instead of gray use black in both entry #117 & 186.
Entry #117: While the versions you did look good I was thinking of something a little different. I was thinking of keeping a dark box and making the house shape in the top 1/3 of the box and adding DiSipio in the bottom 2/3 of the box if that's possible with the Building Group under the box.
Entry #186 and #268: Can you add a line above DiSipio on both the left and right side of the logo similar to entry #239? And add another version of each with the logo to the left of the company name. Can I also see them with the font you used in entry #117?
They just keep getting better. The only thing I would change is the color from a red to maroon in entry #313 & #314. And add the lines on either side of the logo in Entry #314.