We like the idea of being able to use the symbol either with the name or solo to represent the company. We aren't sold on the "O" yet, but like the idea and layout that #177 represent. #172 would be the second choice of your options.
I like the separation of the logo and the name in #193. This is our idea and may be shared with others, but your layout is most accomodating to it: can you change the symbol to be a solar eclipse (entire circle) and put a "D" or "DS" inside of it? Then have your same text to the side.
We appreciate the responsiveness. These new revisions good. Have you seen the "Heroes" Eclipse? A similar concept was something we wanted to see. Is that something you could work with?
Really like #217 and #218. Can you separate out the "D" and the "S" in the logo a little more so it decipherable? Can you also play with some different colors like a light blue or silver-ish rather than the gold?
We are getting close. I like the rays being less focused (like #225). I like the light frontier in #235 which is more defined (it looks like the sun is just starting to come out from behind the moon). I like the color scheme of the "DS" in #225 (same colors as the light frontier)
We like your logos a ton. Just wondering if you would be willing to make the last couple of changes:
We were hoping to see the logo without the bright star/spot in the top right, and also making the light frontier more pronounced on the right side without cutting into the black circle. We love your work, but wondered if you were willing to make these last couple of changes.